MLL actively strengthen academic activities to preserve traditional herbal plants and promote sustainable development in Sri Lanka by collaborating with government, universities, and corporates. And also we will scientifically evaluate the impact of our projects.
Impact evaluation on our projects
MLL conduct impact evaluation in order to check whether our projects are really working or not on the objectives.
MLL’s projects focus on contributing to sustainable peace and development in Sri Lanka.
For this reason, MLL need to objectively judge what we believe is really true or not by ensuring scientific evidence. Therefore, MLL design and implement evaluations to measure the impact of MLL’s projects.
Our research involves faculties and students of the University of Colombo and Hiroshima University.

Promoting research on Sri Lankan herbal plants
MLL actively bolster academic activities to preserve traditional herbal plants in Sri Lanka by collaborating with governments, universities, and corporates.
Sri Lanka has more than 1,400 species of herbal plants. It has a rich history of traditional medicine systems consisting of Ayurveda, and Ayurveda has been a widely practised medical system. However, the integrated research and development projects have not yet amplified in the country. Sri Lanka, thus, relies on importing herbal medicinal plants from overseas. Once the imports are stopped, the domestic supply for the Ayurvedic treatment will be in peril.
Besides, it is critically problematic that Sri Lanka has few systems for cultivating herbal plants. In the country, key actors in herbal and pharmaceutical industries have been involved in ‘wild gathering,’ resulting in collecting herbal plants in natural jungles. This system surrounding herbal products could lead Sri Lanka to extinguish scarce herbal plants and destroy ecology’s valuable diversities.
To preserve the Sri Lankan traditional asset, MLL act to preserve the herbal plants and simultaneously promote research and sustainable development for the plants by collaborating with governments, universities, and corporates. In doing so, MLL shall establish a platform that encourages research, for example, what herbal plants exist in Sri Lanka, how to utilise them in sustainable ways, and how to cultivate in organic ways.
Mother Land Lanka